As you are probably aware, for the past two years Cromwell Vets have been raising money for StreetVet. Why did we choose this charity? It’s not just because of the amazing work they do but also because a few of our nurses and vets volunteer some of their spare time to carry out this work on the streets of Cambridge or Peterborough. Sarah is one such nurse! Sarah has gone the extra mile (excuse the pun) this year and done some extra fundraising! In January she set herself the challenge of earning a medal a month and earlier this month, she completed it! From night walks to half marathons to 10k to obstacle courses – she’s done it! Here’s what she had to say in her final post about her challenge:
“I’ve only gone and done it!!!! So in January this year I decided that as I was turning 40 this year I wanted to set myself a challenge and raise some money for charity. So ‘A medal a month for Streetvet’ began. I have taken part in half marathons, a muddy run, night run in a forest, 10k runs and a 10k Walk, and monthly mile challenges. Today I took part in the MK half and this was my last medal. Feeling super proud that I managed a medal every month! I have to say a massive thank you to everyone that has sponsored me, for all your shares and likes and messages of encouragement. A big thank you has to go to my friends/family that have joined me with some of these challenges. Your support rocks! A big thank you has to go to my hubby and 3 boys for putting up with me this year. ”
Sarah has raised over £720 for StreetVet, an astonishing total. A massive well done to Sarah, we’re all so very proud of you!